Meet the Investigative Team

Our study is led by experts in pregnancy loss, maternal-fetal health, clinical genetics and genomics. Click on each bio to learn more.

Principal Investigator

Yong-hui Jiang, MD, PhD

Professor of Genetics, of Pediatrics and of Neuroscience
Yale School of Medicine

Chief of Medical Genetics
Yale New Haven Hospital

Principal Investigator

Hugh Taylor, MD


Professor and Chair of OB/GYN and Reproductive Sciences, and of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Yale School of Medicine

Chief of OB/GYN,
Yale New Haven Hospital

Principal Investigator

Uma Reddy, MD, MPH


Professor Adjunct of OB/GYN & Reproductive Sciences Yale School of Medicine

Professor and Vice Chair of Research, OB/GYN
Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Principal Investigator

Ira Hall

Professor of Genetics
Director, Yale Center for Genomic Health
Yale School of Medicine


James Segars, MD


Professor of OB/GYN Johns Hopkins School of Medicine

Director, Division of Reproductive Science and Women’s Health Research
Johns Hopkins Medicine


Nanette Santoro, MD

Nanette Santoro, MD

Professor and Chair of Ob/Gyn University of Colorado School of Medicine

Anschutz Medical Campus


Karl Hansen, MD, PhD

Professor and Chair of OB/GYN
College of Medicine
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences


Winifred Mak, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Women’s Health, Dell Medical School
University of Texas, Austin

Adjunct Associate Professor at UT Health Sciences San Antonio


Sarah Horvath, MD, MSHP

Assistant Professor and Vice Chair (Research) of OB/GYN Division of Academic Specialists in OB/GYN
Penn State University


Emily Jungheim, MD

Professor and Chief, Reproduction, Endocrinology and Infertility
Northwestern University

Medical Director, Fertility and Reproductive Medicine Center


S. Zev Williams, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Women’s Health,
Columbia University

Chief, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Columbia University Irving Medical Center


Sana Salih, MD, MS

Clinical Associate of Obstetrics and
University of Chicago Medicine


Stephen Krawetz, PhD

Charlotte B. Failing Professor of Fetal Therapy and Diagnosis

Associate Director, C.S. Mott Center for Human Grown and Development

Wayne State University School of Medicine